CLE Courses

May 10th 2016
Author, instructor and attorney, Emily Doskow provides an hour-long presentation to introduce attorneys to the concept of mindfulness -- the practice of noticing one's experience in the present moment -- and explore its application to the practice of law. Her presentation includes basic instructions in meditation along with two brief meditations, o

Nov 16th 2015
This presentation is two hours with experienced and knowledgeable Family Law litigation counsel and a career trial Judge. As the trial concludes, it is time to bring together the theme with storytelling and anticipate possible post trial motions. Tips, tricks and techniques to convince the trial judge to rule for your client. Analyze effective post

Sep 3rd 2015
This one hour presentation is a concise analysis of statutes available for specific actions that provide for the award of attorneys fees. Fees may be mandatory or discretionary. Learn the secrets of what to submit in your billing statements and what to avoid. Are you confused about whether or how to use the Judici

Aug 25th 2015
This is a experienced level, hands-on program that delves into strategies and tactics designed to successfully bring and defend contempt proceedings. The decision to file contempt should be made after an analysis of whether you can prove your case. Opposing counsel must weigh similar considerations considering the potential consequences to your cli

Aug 9th 2015
The role of the mental health professional (MHP) in Family law is evolving. Counsel are retaining their own MHP's early in custody cases as "consulting trial experts". Some MHP help prepare a client for the court custody evaluations or mediations. A "review expert" helps counsel analyze a custody evaluation for negotiation and trial preparation. At
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