Apr 22nd 2014
This one hour presentation reviews the difficult issue of requests to move away with children. This is a quick, comprehensive look at the current state of the law with a comparison to how these issue have evolved. This is a great resource for attorneys involved in move-aways now, but a valuable resource to invest an hour now so you are up to d
Mar 25th 2014
This one hour presentation provides background, skills and strategies for presentation and trial of the issues effecting the 4320 factors in the Family Code . This issue can have substantial or severe financial consequences to your client. The Courts have been directed by codes and case law to consider the factors on various issues of factua
Mar 25th 2014
This one hour presentation provides background, skills and strategies for presentation and trial of the issues effecting the 4320 factors in the Family Code . This issue can have substantial or severe financial consequences to your client. The Courts have been directed by codes and case law to consider the factors on various i
Mar 25th 2014
This one hour presentation provides background, skills and strategies for presentation and trial of the issues effecting the 4320 factors in the Family Code . This issue can have substantial or severe financial consequences to your client. The Courts have been directed by codes and case law to consider the factors on various issues of factua
Mar 23rd 2014
Judicial Responder Panel: Hon Diana Gould Saltman; Hon Thomas Trent Lewis; Hon Robert Schnider, Ret; Hon Marjorie Slabach, Ret
Why I love Fiduciary Duties and Why should love them, too presented by Dawn Gray, CFLS
Managing your own client's compliance with fudiciary obligations presented by Stephen Wagner CFLS and Edward Thomas CFLS
Here, Th
Mar 23rd 2014
Saving the best for last! Submit your provocative hypothetical questions about the nuances and complexities of fiduciary duties and the breaches
Mar 23rd 2014
Two highly accomplished trial attorneys will explore the presentation of a breach of fiduciary duty claim and the defenses to the claim. They will also elucidate trial techniques along with providing strategic and practical advice as to how to present and defend such a case.
Mar 22nd 2014
Running a business during a divorce requires care on the part of the managing spouse, and it can involve a risk for the out-spouse that his/her interest may be seriously impaired. This panel will discuss how to balance the managing spouse's fiduciary duty with the need to run a successful business during a divorce and how to protect the out-spouse
Mar 22nd 2014
Among other unique issues, the panelists will offer tips for applying fiduciary duties in mediation, collaborative law, post-judgment and other situations. Can fiduciary duties be built into mediation or the collaborative process to survive either process and not be shielded by mediation confidentiality? How can fiduciary duties be waived? Can part
Mar 22nd 2014
Even with the new 60-day exchange requirements, it is not always simple to persuade the other party to comply with their disclosure obligations. This panel will explore procedures for putting the opposing party on notice that the party is expected to be in full compliance with all post-separation fiduciary duties, including disclosure, and methods
Mar 21st 2014
This presentation by two experienced litigators will focus on how an attorney can educate his/her client about the existence andnature of fiduciary duties as well as providing perspectives on how clients may satisfy their obligation to disclose "all material facts and information"
Mar 21st 2014
An overview of fiduciary duties, past and present, with emphasis on the policy considerations and societal concerns expressed through varying types of duties.
Jan 28th 2014
Ms. Shear is dual certified in Family Law & Appellate Law. Her one hour presentation provides background and skills in the law after a trial decision with preparation hints, practical advice and suggestions if the case moves toward an appeal. Plan ahead with Proposed Orders, Motions in Limine and written Offers of Proof. Be careful of the State
Dec 2nd 2013
Is your client an obsessive gamer? Is your client's Wife addicted to online pornography? Learn the nature of internet addiction and how to use that knowledge to help your client, or seek an order for treatment for the opposing party. The Bay Area's Internet Addiction Specialist, Dr. Elaine Brady, and Lynne Yates-Carter CFLS, discuss how internet ad
Oct 25th 2013
Joan Kelly is the nationally recognized expert in children's adjustments to divorce, custody and access issues. Her five and one half hour presentation provides insight into the latest research, background and skills to develop parenting plans and mediate custody issues recognizing child development. Her years of specialized experience from her res