CLE Courses

Feb 26th 2013
The program includes a discussion about the problems with urine testing (substituted samples and dilution), the advantages and permissibility of oral swab testing, the impact of drugs and narcotics on parents as well as the exponential increase in symptoms when mixed with alcohol, and more. The presentation includes a "show and tell" of a "Whizzana

Oct 22nd 2012
Spend 60 minutes to explore how social media effects you, your clients and how you practice family law. This overview jumpstarts your inquiry into new approaches to family law. The world is changing and family law lawyers need to adjust, too. This video provides 1 hour of law, thought and analysis.

Oct 7th 2012
Learn How to use the new statute and court rule governing how courts obtain information from children in custody cases, how courts find out whether a teenager has something to say to the court, methods that courts use to hear from children, the factors courts must consider in deciding whether and how to hear from children, and the roles of the vari

Aug 28th 2012
You have practiced Family Law for years. You've written and read hundreds of MSA's. Spend an hour with the wit, wisdom and insight of Ron Granberg to discover what you are missing (or confirm that you do it perfect!). This video provides 1 hour of law, thought and analysis.

Jul 8th 2012
What happened to the Yellow Page Ads? How are new lawyers promoting themselves and their practices? Do you feel like you are being left in the dust? Mark Ressa, a family law specialist (like you), takes the mystery for lawyers out of the use of the internet and programs like FaceBook. Even if you have no intent to change, you better find out what i

May 22nd 2012
Dr. Singer discusses the roles of the neutral and retained experts including guidelines for ensuring the protection of work product. She talks about the various roles for an attorney to utilize a retained child custody expert in a case, from use for client education to their use in the courtroom to attack or support the neutral expert's opinion. Dr
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