CLE Courses

Mar 24th 2013
Moderator:Garrett C. Dailey, CFLS Faculty (Bench):Hon. Kenneth Black, Ret.Hon. Louise Fightmaster, Com.Hon. Michael Gassner, Com.Hon. Diana Gould-SaltmanHon. Mark JuhasHon. Thomas Trent LewisHon. Robert Schnider, Ret. Faculty (Bar):Judith Bogen, CFLSJames Crawford, J.D.Barbara DiFranza, CFLSAnn Fallon, CFLSJohn Hodson, CFLSSteven Kolodny, CFLSMic

Feb 26th 2013
The program includes a discussion about the problems with urine testing (substituted samples and dilution), the advantages and permissibility of oral swab testing, the impact of drugs and narcotics on parents as well as the exponential increase in symptoms when mixed with alcohol, and more. The presentation includes a "show and tell" of a "Whizzana
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