Mar 24th 2017
The Family Residence: Recent Cases and Hot Topics
Mar 7th 2017
Feb 28th 2017
It is not unusual following a divorce for one parent to end contact with the children and/or for the other parent to create a new family through remarriage. Through the step-parent adoption process, the new family will want to legally establish new bonds between the children and the new spouse and remove or limit the potential influence of the abse
Feb 7th 2017
Best Practices in ADR
Jan 10th 2017
Complex issues in spousal support
Nov 19th 2016
This is a full-day (6 hours) practical approach to ESI Education. You need this information to prepare for trial, prepare discovery to obtain ESI, to educate your clients about the dangers of ESI, and to examine ESI experts. Learn what lies beneath the surface of your CPU as you delve into ESI in cell phones, tablets, and laptops, under the guidanc
Nov 14th 2016
Complex Family Law Trial Issues, Part Four: "Approaching and Presenting Complex Business Valuation Issues"
Nov 14th 2016
The experts demonstrate "how to put into practice"
Nov 10th 2016
Untangling Survivor Benefits
Oct 25th 2016
In addition to a review of the bankruptcy basics, you will learn about new developments and revised dollar and debt limits under BAPCPA and how they may affect your divorce clients, If you want a primer on the interrelation of bankruptcy and family law and as well as an update to your knowledge base, this is a can't-miss presentation. The materials
Sep 27th 2016
This program describes screening assessments for power imbalances and danger in mediation and collaborative cases, and how some screening techniques may be adapted for use by litigators. While not optimal in litigated matters, screening techniques still have value in determining, even if based almost solely on information from one party, whether an
Sep 19th 2016
Complex Family Law Trial Issues, Part Three: Advanced Support Calculations and Property Division
Jun 14th 2016
Phantom Income From Pass Through Entities- How to Identify It and How to Treat It In Determining Support"
Jun 13th 2016
The divorce process often creates tax problems, which require intricate knowledge of both family law and the tax code to solve. In this interactive program, our presenters discuss the rules every attorney must know when dividing community property or making spousal support awards. Issues include non-reported income, filing status, perqs, innocent s
May 24th 2016
In Estate Planning, titling means everything and often the way property is characterized can make a huge difference at the time of death. In Family Law we many times start with property characterized as part of an estate plan and conclude with the issue of how to characterize property post dissolution with no estate plan in place. This presentation