CLE Courses

Jun 11th 2019
This presentation addresses specific issues and approaches for the use of a Parenting Plan Coordinator (PPC) in cases of high conflict custody and parenting. The use and concept for a Parenting Coordinator or a Special Master varies county by county throughout the State. This presentation addresses the application of a "referee" to cases with a sin

May 29th 2019
This is a focused program on the application of the laws of evidence and practical approaches to present your expert testimony to a Judge and get it in evidence. Your case warrants expert testimony. Your client has spent a substantial fees and costs to get the expert to the stand. You must assure your expert presents a powerful opinion for consider

May 14th 2019
This presentation addresses specific issues that arise in representation of a business owner in the dissolution, including: 1. The recent case of IRMO Brooks (decided 3/27/19) and IRMO Brandes on characterization 2. Valuation criteria (Rev. Rul. 59-60, IRMO Hewitson, IRMO Honer) 3. Selection of valuation experts and maximizing the expert's credibil

Feb 12th 2019
This presentation covers what you need to know about mortgages in the divorce settlement process such as leveraging the mortgage as a settlement tool, key lender guidelines and creative workarounds, MSA verbiage, and case studies. This presentation also addresses key mortgage considerations during divorce, characteristics of divorce specific lender
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