Jul 28th 2021
You got your client a good money judgment/order. Now you needed to enforce it! This presentation will provide tips and tricks to enforce family law money orders to collect against the slipperiest of opposing parties and get the proverbial blood out of a turnip.
Jun 21st 2021
This seminar will be a detailed look at cross-examination of an opposing expert on issues found in support hearings and how to approach the case with and without having your own expert. This seminar will touch on the issues of whether a source of funds is income available for support, when such income is available for support, does it matter if it
Jun 16th 2021
This presentation will provide information on some of the causes of this dynamic. We will also discuss steps that parents and their counsel can take in catching this early, as well as suggested options to mitigate escalation of the problem.
Jun 8th 2021
This seminar will be a one-hour presentation covering the preparation for cross-examination of an expert witness regarding income available for support. The presentation will cover a range of topics such as discovery requests, deposition of the opposing expert, identifying weaknesses and the preparation of cross-examination to ensure the best resul
May 3rd 2021
This program focuses on the proper interpretation of MSAs and other contracts years after their execution. Having viewed this program, the practitioner will be fully equipped to advance their own clients' interpretations and defend against opposing parties' theories. The practitioner who knows these rules and wields them corre
Apr 23rd 2021
How to plan and prepare your contempt proceeding for maximum success before you file with the court.
Apr 12th 2021
Discussing detailed approaches to cross-examination on issues found in custody hearings and how to approach the case with and without an expert. This seminar will touch on the type of custody assessments, i.e. Emergency Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, or private Child Custody Evaluations and focus on how to cross-exam when there are i
Apr 9th 2021
Mar 29th 2021
This seminar will be a one-hour presentation covering a behind-the-scenes look at preparation for cross-examination (what really goes into preparing for cross examination of an expert) and specific steps and recommendations on how to make your case, identify weaknesses and prepare cross-examination to ensure the best results at trial.
Feb 19th 2021
Too often misconceptions about the nature of abuse in the context of Family Law child custody cases produce orders that fail to protect the children. Both parents and the child often do things that are counterintuitive making it difficult to determine what actually happened. Hidden biases and/or knowledge deficits distort perceptions of the complai
Feb 10th 2021
Privileges protect certain communications and other information from disclosure, and are a fundamental part of our justice system. This program will cover the most commonly used privileges -- including the attorney-client privilege, the marital/spousal privilege, the physician-patient privilege, and the psychotherapist-patient privilege -- an
Jan 22nd 2021
Family law attorneys are often unaware of the civil remedies available to their domestic violence clients beyond the restraining order. The unwary family law attorney may waive their client's potential claims in a Marital Settlement Agreement before even advising the victim on their options. Victims of domestic violence could have remedies in civil
Jan 8th 2021
Child support is driven by a rigid guideline formula. We all know that. But do minor children ever really need six figures? Can too much child support be harmful to children? These questions are particularly relevant in California, where employees of startups and publicly traded companies in the bio and tech spaces earn extraordinary wealth through
Nov 18th 2020
ACFLS Hall of Fame Award Recipient Stephen J. Wagner will provide tips on how to prepare a Final Declaration of Disclosure that settles cases, sets up easy trial preparation, and secures judgments that withstand set aside motions. With California's relatively liberal set aside provisions found in Family Code sections 2120 et seq preparing a proper
Nov 13th 2020