CLE Courses

Oct 18th 2021
This seminar will be a one-hour seminar covering a behind-the-scenes look at preparation for cross-examination (what really goes into preparing for cross-examination of an expert) and specific steps and recommendations on how to make your case, identify weaknesses and prepare cross-examination to ensure the best results at trial. Learn the imp

Oct 13th 2021
Where issues are important enough to the litigants to take to court, they may well be important enough for of the parties to seek appellate review. This program will give family law trial counsel many tips about actions in the trial that better position the case in the appellate courts " including tips about the practical problems that arise when t

Oct 2nd 2021
There has been much discussion requesting ACFLS broaden its education base, and provide education to encourage and support attorneys entering the area of family law.  We have heard your requests.  This six hour presentation will review a family law case from intake through judgment.   The focus of this program will be

Sep 1st 2021
This program will discuss pitfalls and pointers on post-judgement relief under the Family Code. This will include a discussion of set asides, delayed discovery, relief under Family Code section 1101(g) and (h), and omitted assets. The focus of the program will be practice pointers and will discuss several strategies regarding set asides of judgment

Aug 30th 2021
This seminar will instruct participants on effective areas of cross-examination in a dissolution of marriage case involving a sole proprietorship. Learn the important documents to request through discovery, key people to subpoena/depose, different approaches to cross-examination based on business type, and how to approach the case with and without

Apr 12th 2021
Discussing detailed approaches to cross-examination on issues found in custody hearings and how to approach the case with and without an expert. This seminar will touch on the type of custody assessments, i.e. Emergency Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, or private Child Custody Evaluations and focus on how to cross-exam when there are i
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