DISCOVERY SANCTIONS The California Supreme Court reversed the appellate court in City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP1 regarding monetary discovery sanctions. The court made it clear that the trial courts have the authority to impose monetary sanctions for egregious discovery misconduct, even if it is not necessarily a clear violation ...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Congratulations to the Honorable B. Scott Thomsen, recipient of the 2019 Hall of Fame awar...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Each in our own way, we all try and help those around us. I would like to share a story of...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Never doubt that a small group of people can accomplish great things.That is exactly what...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Random Acts of Kindness I honestly struggle when I sit down to write these messages...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
TEAMWORK The Foundation and Engine of ACFLS Teamwork has been defined as the coll...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Recognition One of the best parts of being a member of ACFLS, is participating in the rec...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
SERVICE I have been a member of the ACFLS board for almost 10 years now. Admittedly, my...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
HONOR Honor. Honor has been defined in many ways and by many people, but all incl...