DISCOVERY SANCTIONS The California Supreme Court reversed the appellate court in City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP1 regarding monetary discovery sanctions. The court made it clear that the trial courts have the authority to impose monetary sanctions for egregious discovery misconduct, even if it is not necessarily a clear violation ...
Michele Brown, CFLS
On February 7, 2014, the listservs in the family law community were ablaze with comments a...
Debra Frank
I hope you had an enjoyable summer. Your ACFLS Journal Editorial Board has been hard at wo...
Lynette Berg Robe
Summer Activities Even in the doldrums of the summer heat, our ACFLS committees carry on...
Robert L. Lafer
Since I started my legal career as a Deputy District Attorney in the early 1990s, I’...
Judge Marjorie A. Slabach, Ret.
I remember the color of the book cover – it was bright yellow with stark lettering:...
Lawrence E. Leone
“[M]arital dissolution trials proceed under the same general rules of procedure that...
Christine Gille
ACFLS is already planning the 2015 edition of its highly touted annual Spring Seminar in R...
Dawn Gray, CFLS
In re Marriage of Haugh (2014) 225 Cal.App.4th 963, 170 Cal.Rptr.3d 683 Holding: In this...
Heidi Tuffias
This cannot possibly be worth it. I am leaving the office for two weeks and have spent the...