The 2024 ACFLS Holiday Party was another great success and 102 family law specialists, judicial offi cers, and their respective families gathered at the Sir Frances Drake Hotel in San Francisco to celebrate each other, the holiday season, our award recipients and to just have fun. For those of you who missed it this year, be on the lookout for next year&rsqu...
Thomas Kenney Rachel Leff-Kich
Retroactivity of support orders continues to be a hotbutton issue in California. Over the...
Seth Kramer
As its name clearly indicates, the Association of Certified Family Law Specialists is an o...
Debra Frank
Happy New Year to All. Christine Gille should be back in her editor’s role for the n...
Lisa McCall
Motions in limine provide an opportunity for creative lawyering at the outset of a case. T...
Kenny Pierce
What is “phantom income”? “Phantom income” can be an issue when d...
Louise Nixon Ann Fallon Michael Low Richard Muir Lorrina Duffy
County Plans, Legal Separation, and Survivor Benefits. Despite California being a communi...
Cari Pines Kevin James Mooney
From organizing your office to creating pleadings or calendar entries, there’s an ap...