DISCOVERY SANCTIONS The California Supreme Court reversed the appellate court in City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP1 regarding monetary discovery sanctions. The court made it clear that the trial courts have the authority to impose monetary sanctions for egregious discovery misconduct, even if it is not necessarily a clear violation ...
Mark E. Sullivan
This article will assist family law practitioners in understanding Military Disability Re...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Never doubt that a small group of people can accomplish great things.That is exactly what...
Debra Frank
Welcome to our spring edition of the ACFLS Family Law Specialist. My thanks to the authors...
Stephen Temko, CFLS Dennis Temko, Esq.
The answer to this question must be a “no.” Family Code section 2640, subdivis...
Victoria Lewis, CFLS
As family law attorneys, we have an obligation to educate our clients about the fiduciary...
Mark E. Sullivan
The Pentagon has deployed thousands of servicemembers in response to the Russian invasion...
Michele Brown, CFLS Avi Levy, CFLS Dee Rolewicz, Exec. Director
Hall of Fame Award Recipient – Dianne Fetzer The ACFLS Hall of Fame Award is confer...