DISCOVERY SANCTIONS The California Supreme Court reversed the appellate court in City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP1 regarding monetary discovery sanctions. The court made it clear that the trial courts have the authority to impose monetary sanctions for egregious discovery misconduct, even if it is not necessarily a clear violation ...
Naghmeh Bashar
On December 17, 2019, the Honorable Thomas Trent Lewis retired from his long-standing posi...
Naghmeh Bashar
That is Impact! Last Issue, ACFLS honored the Honorable Judge Trent Lewis who retired on D...
Naghmeh Bashar
Change is understandably needed. No need to resist. The Fall season is upon us and unfortu...
Naghmeh Bashar
Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one...
Naghmeh Bashar
Keeping it short and sweet… We have several informative and thought-provoking artic...
Naghmeh Bashar
So long and farewell… As my three-year term comes to an end, I thank each and ever...
Naghmeh Bashar
Taking the “I” Out and Replacing It With the “We” As I sit to wr...
Naghmeh Bashar
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it....
Naghmeh Bashar
May Your Day Be Full of Light I n staying true to the ACFLS Mission Statement, prin...