DISCOVERY SANCTIONS The California Supreme Court reversed the appellate court in City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP1 regarding monetary discovery sanctions. The court made it clear that the trial courts have the authority to impose monetary sanctions for egregious discovery misconduct, even if it is not necessarily a clear violation ...
Pete Neuwirth FSA FCA Barry Sacks JD Ph.D
As the prevalence of “Silver Divorce” (divorce where at least one spouse is ag...
Sherry Peterson, CFLS
Recognition One of the best parts of being a member of ACFLS, is participating in the rec...
Tracy Duell‑Cazes, CFLS
Welcome to the Spring edition of the ACFLS Family Law Specialist. This is my debut as the...
Forrest S. Mosten
In our 2016 article in the California State Bar Family Law News, Late Nights and Cancellat...
Fredrick (Rick) Cohen
In any civil case (including Family Law) tried to the court (meaning not a jury trial), af...
Tracy Duell‑Cazes, CFLS
Not everyone is aware that in addition to new laws and cases that we need to pay attention...
Fredrick (Rick) Cohen Leslie Ellen Shear
ACFLS has influenced the development of California family law as amicus curiae for decades...
John T. Sylvester, CFLS
2023 brought a flurry of published appellate opinions and statutory amendments concerning...
Tracy Duell‑Cazes, CFLS
Welcome to my little corner of the world. On occasion I will be including this column that...
It is with great sadness that we must share the news of the passing of our Executive Direc...