2024 Annual Spring Seminar - Just the Facts Ma'am: Data Collection in the Modern Era and Artificial Intelligence


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11 hours of MCLE and Family Law Specialization Credits 

  1. Is it Real or Deepfake? Presenter: Christopher C. Melcher, CFLS Have advancements in artificial intelligence made it possible to fake evidence to pass for real evidence in the courtroom? How easy or hard is it to create a fake video, audio, or image? Can you spot a fake?
  2. The Future of Ethics in a World of Artificial Intelligence Presenters: Hon. Mark A. Juhas and Heather Rosing Please join our experienced panelists for a cutting-edge discussion on the use of artificial intelligence in family law and the corresponding ethical considerations. What are the landmines and pitfalls? How do the risks balance out with the benefits? How can AI help you within the parameters of ethical representation? Are clients expecting law firms to utilize AI? Is it a way to keep costs down and create efficiencies? This one-hour presentation will explore all these questions and more, and provide practical tips for navigating a new day and age in the practice of law.
  3. Technology Corner Presenter: Jillian Duggan-Herd, CFLS Practical uses of AI and an iPad in your trial and motion preparation and presentation process. This presentation will go through an introduction on the practical uses of AI to assist in research (and some limits and cautions of the same), to focus and consolidate pleading content, and to create hearing and trial outlines. Additionally, this presentation will conclude with an introduction on how to easily utilize an iPad to replace paper exhibits, hearing binders, bankers boxes, etc. and streamline trial/motion presentation.
  4. Digital Discovery Demystified Presenter: Steven K. Yoda, CFLS Delve into the core principles of electronic discovery with this program. Explore E-discovery fundamentals encompassing everything from safeguarding data integrity to initiating electronic discovery requests, as well as mastering the art of methodical data compilation and assessment.
  5. More Than Words: When Electronic Evidence Meets Best Interest of the Child and Domestic Violence Presenters: Hon. Lawrence P. Riff and Cari Pines, CFLS Madonna told us in 1984 that we are living in a material world but in 2023, much of our children's worlds is digital. And if it's digital, it's stored on a device somewhere, and that means its ESI—electronically stored information. Critical evidence in child custody and DVRO matters exists as ESI and our jobs as advocates is to find it, secure it, get it in an admissible form and introduce it into evidence in court. Police body-cams from the EPO investigation; Ring videos of the argument at the custody exchange; emojis-(joke or a threat?). This panel spots the issues and provides the law and practical advice for using ESI in child custody and DVRO hearings and trials.
  6. Technology Corner Presenter: Jillian Duggan-Herd, CFLS
  7. Modern Tools to Resolve Complex Marital Balance Sheet Controversies Presenters: Ben Phillips, CFLS and Kenneth Rugeti, CPA Modern electronic collaboration tools can facilitate expedited discovery and disclosure regarding complex financial issues, allowing counsel and financial experts to focus their time and efforts on analysis of the legal and financial controversies. This presentation will review and discuss time-saving approaches and technology— including electronic document repositories, data sharing, and validation—that may be employed by adverse parties and their litigation teams to satisfy fiduciary duties of disclosure, narrow issues for trial, and advance the policy of the law to promote settlement of litigation.
  8. Technology Corner Presenter: Jillian Duggan-Herd, CFLS
  9. Ask the Judges - the Last Word Presenters: Hon. Thomas Trent Lewis (Retired), Hon. Mark Juhas, Comm. Sue Alexander, and Comm. Kimberly Parker This is a favorite of Spring Seminar attendees! Submit your hypothetical questions concerning anything from this year’s program, “Just the Facts Ma’am (Data Collection in the Modern Era and Artificial Intelligence)” in advance by email to Executive.Director@acfls.org with “Ask the Judges” in the subject line. (The opinions the judges voice on stage are not predictive of future rulings nor can the judges comment on pending cases.)



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Presented ON

March 1, 2024


Christopher Melcher

MCLE Credits


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