18th Annual Spring Seminar: "Titles, Transfers and Transmutations: When Spouses Change the Character of Assets and Obligations,"


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Fundamentals of Transmutations " Dawn Gray, CFLS; Stephen J. Wagner, CFLS Title Presumptions and Burdens of Proof " Stephen Temko, CFLS, CALS 'Til Death or Divorce Do Us Part: Probate and Family Law Crossover Issues " Hon. Mitchell Beckloff; Diana E. Richmond, CFLS; Avery Cooper, CFLS Title, Transfers and Transmutation Trial Practicum " Peter M. Walzer, CFLS; Christopher Melcher, CFLS Settlement Practicum: Outside the Box Settlement Tools " Eileen Preville, CFLS Ask the Judges: "The Last Word"
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Presented ON

March 28, 2010


James M. Crawford, Jr., JD

*MCLE Credits


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